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Also known on Tiktok as @swifteriousperplexous

Interested in becoming part of my community? Join my discord! Link in the socials tab

Name: Ian/Swifty/Peri
Age: 22
Gender: (Sometimes Masc-Aligned) Nonbinary
Pronouns: Check out Pronouns Tab
Sexuality: Asexual Homoromantic (Achillean)
Birth Country: The Philippines
Country of Residence: USA
Ethnicity: Filipino
Personality: ENFJ-T & 2w3
Languages: English, Japanese, Filipino/Tagalog
Learning: Spanish


he/him, they/them, mr, sir, masc compliments, bro/brother, dude, king, sovereign, prince, princen, prin,guy


she/her, it/its, mx, sis/sister, queen, boy, woman,

Meh, sometimes okay

princess, cute

Informally/As Slang


Only for people that I am close with

miss/ma'am, lady, fem compliments, girl

While I may be a small content creator/streamer, my boundaries are still very important to me. Down below are various boundaries that I would like to keep because it is important for people to be aware of them! These are subject to additions and changes.

Fanart: I would love to see fanart! However, please do not make NSFW fanart of me, me in cosplay of characters (OC or not), or characters I have made.
Shipping: As of right now, I am not comfortable with any shipping of me with irl people, original characters I cosplay, or characters I have made. However, I am okay with shipping characters I have created with characters my friends have created as long as both me and my friend are okay with the ship.
Cosplay: As of right now, I am only really comfortable with people with who I am close cosplaying characters I have made (i.e. original characters).
Flirting: Please do NOT flirt with me. I am not comfortable with flirting, even in a playful capacity.
Compliments: I appreciate all compliments, but please do not refer to me as "sexy" or say any "thirsty", for lack of a better term, comments toward me. Also please do not call me or anything I make "cute" excessively.
Nicknames: Please do not refer to me by any nicknames without express permission from me. Asking for permission is as simple as "Hey, are you cool with me calling you [insert nickname here]?". I am pretty uncomfortable with nicknames being forced onto me, but apart from my names listed in About, I am comfortable with the following nicknames: "Swift", "Swifter", "Agent P"

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Join my community in the discord link below!

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